What is StreamYourCare?

StreamYourCare is an initiative advocating for free, accessible livestream monitoring for seniors and individuals with disabilities in long term care environments. It aims to prevent patient neglect, abuse, and death by providing safe, affordable livestream

Why care stream?

Streaming your care can mitigate isolation, neglect, and guardian abuse at home.

Aren't alarms and alerts a vulnerability/risk?

User-access can be set for the commands, we offer free vote-based command configurations.

How does care streaming benefit patients AND caregivers?

Livestreams provide companion care, resources, and opportunities for patients which relieves staff of some of their lesser acted upon duties.

What makes care streaming better than standard monitoring devices?

Monitoring devices typically require an upfront-cost for the device, plus an additional monthly fee for the different features they offer. These costs add up in the long run, which is not even a factor for livestreaming with a phone, or computer. Additionally, the social community and being able to stay in contact with family and friends through livestream chats & clipping features.

Can caregivers and patients receive training on how to use the livestreaming technology?

Yes, we offer guides on how to train yourself and caregivers on livestream technology setup and operation.

How does StreamYourCare ensure the privacy of the individuals being monitored?

Privacy Overlays help livestreamers and their audiences protect themselves and their caregivers.

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