r/streamyourcare Guide

Welcome to r/streamyourcare!

A demand for accessible livestream intervention capabilities has presented itself. We hope to prevent patient neglect, abuse, and death by providing safe affordable livestream monitoring solutions.

Including but not limited to: privacy overlay commands, alarms/alert commands, community collaboration, and extensive interactive capabilities.

This community will provide a collection of free tools and experiences which offer viewers and creators safety and purpose through their interactions online. See User and Post Flair Guidelines here (also at the bottom of the thread).

Our Sub Exploitation Prevention Guidelines post is also worth a read before posting.

Who’s Invited

  • PACE Advocates
  • Caregivers (Family/Professional)
  • Medical Professionals (Nurses, Aides, LTC/LTSS Specialists)
  • Individuals Receiving Care for Aging, Illness, or Disability
  • Legal Experts on Handicap/Elder Abuse
  • Content Creators & Influencers
  • Community Leaders and Non-Profit administration
  • Tech/Software Tinkerers & Engineers
  • Researchers (Healthcare, Gerontology, Medtech)

How to Contribute

Anything you post advocating about this movement use: #streamyourcare. Invite anyone you know in these roles to r/streamyourcare.

PACE Advocates

  • Educate Redditors about PACE and care monitoring solutions.
  • Share content navigating personal care systems to raise awareness for the importance of PACE programs.
  • Provide educational material for safety protocols, patient rights, and how to advocate for better standards.

Family Caregiver/Guardian

  • Share stories about the process of transitioning to in-home care and/or long term facility care.
  • Share stories about maintaining care for a loved one with 3rd-party caregivers.
  • Share stories of misconduct, negligence, or abuse to highlight their prevalence in both independent living situations and long-term care facilities.

Nurses, Health Aides, and Long Term Care Specialists

  • Offer a professional lens on appropriate local health standards.
  • Participate in Q&As with the community
  • Address employee privacy and safety needs

Individual Receiving Care

  • Discuss your care routines and current challenges (needing better care, concerns about assisted living, equipment needs)
  • Ask questions about care monitoring options and regulations
  • Seek individuals that share interests and passions with you to create collaborative care stream content.

Negligence & Abuse Attorneys

  • Provide resources and discussion on collecting evidence and reporting cases.
  • Specify local regulations and recording party laws in healthcare environments.
  • Provide forms and information for specific requests through this group.

Tech Engineers

  • Provide simple tools and configurations enabling affordable monitoring solutions for those receiving care
  • Advise r/streamyourcare on secure systems to document and monitor care stream content.
  • Join our Discord to contribute to the development discussion

Community Leaders (I.e Church Staff) & Non-Profit Administration

  • Direct relevant communities to this group with printouts (coming soon), emails, social media posts, and live events.
  • Consider partnering with the streamyourcare community to create jobs developing and implementing unique streaming capabilities for individuals worldwide.
  • Provide laptops and webcams to seniors in your communities transitioning into assisted living. Local ITADs and Digital Divide non-profits can assist with this.
  • Offer programs through local universities to connect students with seniors to set up accessibility tech with them.

Post & User Flair Guidelines

Post Flair
  • Story: For sharing personal and related experiences from the field(s) of your user flair. Example 1 (Co-Founder Story)
  • Care Stream Guide: A guide for implementing one or several livestream functions for an individual receiving care.
  • Suggestion: A recommendation for setups, policies, connections, and improvements.
  • Question: For starting discussions, there are no dumb questions!
  • CS Content Guide: For guides designated to making advocacy content and collaborative content.
  • Care Stream Content: For sharing advocacy material on the sub to raise awareness for how you stream your care. See how to post [Care Stream Content] here.
User Flair
  • Survivor: Elder/handicap negligence and abuse survivors (patients, family, and friends)
  • N/A Attorney: Handicap and Elder Negligence attorneys
  • Caregiver: (Family/Professional)
  • LTC Facility Staff: Long Term Care Employees and Administration
  • CS Advocate: Content Creator, Setup Contributor, Care Stream Recruiter
  • Individual Receiving Care: People receiving care for aging, illness, or a disability
  • Tech Innovator: Software/Hardware engineers and hobbyists
  • Non-Profit Sector: 501c3 administration, non-profit advisors.

Edits will be made to this to accommodate for the shifting scope of this group's potential impact. See relevant research here.

Please join the group, start contributing experiences and standby for amazing results.

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