
@EddieMancuso x StreamYourCare Interview

@EddieMancuso x StreamYourCare Interview

EddieMancuso's Channels




Shawn Anderson (@EddieMancuso/@ta51722) has been sharing his medical journey online. Shawn has Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS), a rare and severe form of arthritis that causes him constant pain. He describes the pain like rubber bands pulling down on his shoulders. Due to his bedsores, he is unable to take most of the medications for his AS.

Anderson began livestreaming while hospitalized for bedsores/ulcers. He found that TikTok in particular provided a therapeutic outlet and helped him cope with the chaos and trauma of his experience. However, he was eventually banned from the platform, which left him feeling lost and distraught.

The hospital staff were not receptive to Shawn's livestreaming, claiming it violated HIPAA regulations. They insisted he turn his stream off, or to put it away when they entered his room. Shawn believes this was in part retaliation for a negative Google review he posted about the facility.

Shawn emphasizes the importance of having an advocate present during hospital stays, as he witnessed many patients who weren't properly cared for because they lacked someone to speak up for them. He expresses frustration with the healthcare system, particularly with what he perceives as the overprescribing of drugs and the influence of pharmaceutical companies. He advocates for patients to be informed and to ask questions during each step of the process to recovery.

Despite the challenges he has faced, Shawn remains optimistic and finds solace in his online community. He expresses gratitude for the support he has received from his viewers and emphasizes the importance of kindness. He believes that people should strive to be a positive force in the world and find ways to help each other.

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