Brian Jones

The Importance of Social Media Advocacy, Monitoring, Faith, and Mental Strength in Nursing Homes

The Importance of Social Media Advocacy, Monitoring, Faith, and Mental Strength in Nursing Homes

Brian's Channels


Brian Jones (@BrianJones2702) uses social media platforms like TikTok to share his experiences in Georgia nursing homes and advocate for improved care for residents. Confined to a bed after an accident at age 44, Jones became acutely aware of the negligence and abuse occurring around him. He notes he had plenty of time to observe what was happening, as his only time out of his room was for physical therapy twice a week, and nurses gossiped about him and other patients at the nurses station just 10 feet from his room door.

Brian has documented multiple instances where nurses were belligerent, intoxicated, and negligent. According to Jones, the nursing home prioritized filling beds over providing quality care. He believes that many issues stem from a lack of teamwork and respect among staff members. For example, he criticizes unit managers and those in charge of supplies and scheduling for not assisting CNAs when they are short-staffed.

Jones' advocacy through platforms like TikTok caught the attention of 11Alive news, who interviewed him and aired a story on the conditions he described. A day after the story aired, he was discharged from the facility he had been staying at for several years. One of his videos even reached the Georgia Stage Capitol through a follower's daughter who showed it to congressmen during a livestream. Jones advocates for keeping loved ones at home with home healthcare services whenever possible, as he believes that is the best way to ensure their well-being. However, for those situations where nursing home care is unavoidable, he suggests to check up on those you know being treated, or the conditions they may face could take a turn for the worse.

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