Care Streaming Exploitation Prevention Guidelines

Due to the complex nature of care systems and community crowdsourcing, some guidelines should be established to prevent individuals from being taken advantage of through the r/streamyourcare community.

Care Stream Content posts will be examined by community moderators to ensure the support links & handles included in posts match the ones provided by the showcased care streamer.
Accounts suspected of cloning other people’s channels, support links, or abusing this community via identity theft will be removed and reported to authorities for investigation.
/streamyourcare members are advised to certify authenticity with each care streamer before making contributions to support links like CashApp, Venmo, GoFundMe or PayPal.
Story posts are for educational purposes only. If information is widely available to the public, you are allowed to defensively corroborate your story with reports. Although, it is not recommended. Confidentiality remains a priority for respecting the safety, privacy, and dignity of impacted individuals.
Care streams should not attempt to further incriminate healthcare workers. They provide better Patient-Provider relationships with trust, intervention, and engagement opportunities.

More updates will be added to this as we scale.

Join the r/streamyourcare community! We are here to provide affordable access to anyone needing care monitoring options and community companionship.

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